By the way, I have to thank you for hosting this blogathon this month, from the heart – the movie I watched means a lot to me and I can’t stop thinking about it every day and night. I was raised Catholic so I know some of my family members would have issues with this. [42] David Denby of New York felt Jesus of Montreal was "smug from the beginning",[12] but the film was not boring thanks to Arcand's "theatricality and skill". Speaking of religiously themed movies, have you thought about participating in my blogathon?
© Copyright 2020 Meredith Corporation. He also includes arguments that the biological father of Jesus was a Roman soldier who left Palestine shortly after impregnating the unwed Mary. Arcand is like a self-righteous flower child. Yet Jesus of Montreal doesn’t earn its mystical overtones. Although the play turns out to be a hit, it's shut down by the church for being too controversial, and in the eyes of the church, blasphemous. I wonder if your congregation would have been all that up-in-arms. Even if I’m something of a lapsed-Catholic (which is to say I don’t attend mass any more), I too quite enjoy religious-themed movies. It was the sort of peace I used to feel at mass when I was a practising Catholic, and the sort of peace I believe every religion wants it’s followers to feel at their most devout. Take this entry for example. [41] Jonathan Rosenbaum called it a "must-see". The film was essentially about Christ’s last temptation, the temptation to become human and not bear the cross. Hi Ryan, great blind spot today. He said this was because, although church members asked to see the screenplay, they could not read French and needed money from the rental. I personally enjoy religious-themed films. I’ll definitely give Jesus of Montreal a rent, hopefully either Netflix or Amazon Instant has it. The last time TIFF tallied up a Best Canadian Films list, both movies ranked in the top ten. Jesus of Montreal flits between the smug and the ersatz mystical. WOW Ryan, I’ve never even heard of this film but I’m intrigued. Yet here, too, he seems cloyingly behind the times.
Holy Hell – I’d actually totally forgotten that STARDOM was Arcand’s! Daniel's life is further complicated when he attends one of Mireille's auditions. Will Kouf watched WHO’S THAT KNOCKING AT MY DOOR?
They leave no room for people to accept both. Arcand said this is a deliberate parallel with Jesus being a Jew "rejected by his own people," but Arcand depicted the hospital as efficient and better organized than other Montreal hospitals because he felt this was accurate.
The only thing I can think of in comparison is ‘The Last Temptation of Christ.’ There was a lot of controversy about that film when it came out. Some people are intolerant of people of faith, just some people are intolerant of ideas different than their own. By seeing greater potential in his cast than the crummy jobs listed on their resume, he allows them a chance to rise above their past and be better. Daniel is first taken by ambulance to a Catholic hospital where he is neglected. [50] In 2014, Marc-Andre Lussier of the Montreal-based La Presse called the film excellent. That seems to be what Daniel’s play within this film is trying to get at – that the morals are supposed to help you find your way, not the nitty-gritty details. The film came out to critical acclaim and won numerous awards, including the Genie Award for Best Picture and the Jury Prize at the 1989 Cannes Film Festival. Beautiful stills here! Leclerc hopes to revive an interpretation of The Passion Play he once wrote.
[38], Jesus of Montreal enjoyed positive reviews, with a 79% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. In that moment, I was at a crossroads of my life and had no idea what my next decision would bring upon me. The fight the diocese puts up in the face of this supposed subversion garners results that are very un-Christian. So many people think you have to be one or the other: a believer in God or a believer in science. [39] Roger Ebert gave the film three and a half stars, calling Arcand "the best of the new generation of Quebec filmmakers", and saying "It's interesting the way Arcand makes this work as theology and drama at the same time", adding Lothaire Bluteau is perfectly cast. [37] In the U.S., Stephen J. Nichols referred to it as "not-very-popular" and said it was Martin Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ "to dominate the 1980s" in dramatic portrayals of Jesus. [33] It went on to gross C$3 million. Jesus of Montreal is a 1989 French Canadian film about an actor, Daniel, hired to modernize a passion play. Luckily for us, the priest gives creative control to his lead actor/director Daniel (Lothaire Bluteau), and the power to change what he feels needs changing. He leaves and collapses on a Montreal Metro platform. I agree with you that this series has highlighted everyone’s subjective point of view. Enter your email address to receive new posts by email. "[23] The actor also spoke to Arcand about the difficulties he and his friends had in the acting profession, taking undesirable roles in TV advertisements and pornographic films. Yet considering that the movie is set in cosmopolitan Montreal, the most pressing question the controversy raises is, ”Hasn’t Canada, in the past 20 years, ever seen a single touring company of Jesus Christ, Superstar?”. When the theater troupe attempts to publicize the play, Arcand moves on to his true agenda: lampooning the soulless commercialism of modern life. But as I walked from station to station and looked at the world through the lens of my camera, I felt an undeniable sense of peace. [21] Daniel's "disciples" also continue his work after he dies,[17] led by Martin, played by Rémy Girard, who is an analogue of Saint Peter. I do have issues with films that seem to blatantly disparage/insult the Lord, but this one doesn’t seem to be the case. "[1] He spent a year in 1987 writing the screenplay. It is not something one will find in historical record, nor one that one will find in dogma that tells followers the right way to worship and the true path to redemption. His targets are obvious: TV anchorpersons with phony smiles, a womanizing priest, a yuppie entertainment lawyer who’s unabashed about his materialism. [19] Scholar Jeremy Cohen tied the Jewish doctor's statement "we lost him" to the idea of Jewish deicide. Arcand went to see the play and recalls, "I saw actors in a mediocre production which received shouted applause from the tourists. I didn’t pray while I was there, I don’t even think the idea crossed my mind. [16][17] In the subsequent criminal case, Daniel has a Pontius Pilate-like judge played by Arcand,[11] and meets a lawyer played by Yves Jacques who - looking out over the city from a skyscraper - offers Daniel profit and fame, telling him "The city is yours," which is a reference to the Temptation of Christ. Back to Before – X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. and claiming the film "flits between the smug and the ersatz mystical". I’m proud to have prompted you towards such an impactful movie – that’s exactly the sort of thing I want this series to achieve. Partly because I had forgotten it was on your list, and partly because it is a great Canadian film that does not get discussed too much these days. Jesus of Montreal flits between the smug and the ersatz mystical. Also, there will be a lot of discussion of religious themed films on the next Matineecast which posts on Monday…so there’s that too. He said that the screenplay was complete and detailed, leaving less room for improvisation than he expected. If you have the chance, I’d definitely bump this and Invasions up the queue. And it’s fascinating to note whether they seem to have gotten the point or not of the film inspiriting the objection. Give it a look sometime – and thanks for posting again this month (comments coming soon). I might have misspoke a bit, since the ideas that the film poses aren’t all THAT controversial. ), but they don’t exactly set the world on fire.
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