I've spent a long time being excited for DQ11, since before it came out in Japan, but in the past year or so, I've found I really don't have the time or patience for super grindy games (something I used to find a selling point). That doesn’t sound so good. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. On the other hand I think random battles are slightly more challenging. I found the skeletons in gyldigga castle thing to be great xp, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the dragonquest community. How do I beat the tentacular thing what level should my people be at and who to use. The twins huh? these Metal monsters will be making a return in Dragon Quest XI and they have places where they spawn. spoiler. Find the Bloody Hands, and kill all but one so one can call for back up. I was hoping for a challenge. Just watch out for Whack. In DQ8 for 3DS, metal slimes will show up on the overworld, making it very easy to spot high XP encounters. Anyway, once you've gotten everybody the best grinding spot for me was Mount Huji and the nearby areas, particularly the Lava Lamplings and the lava slimes you find inside or in the area nearby.
You only do 1 damage, you need criticals to kill them, and they flee a lot, you know the drill. So I did give you a legit answer, even if I do think electrolight will level you faster. I used autocombat system at level 49 towards end using manual combat to heal team up couple times and one member of my team died once on entire fight (rab), if you got difficult set higher that might change things. My Serena was NOT at level 43 before leaving and that lines up with everyone else's level in the party. Thanks guys, that's great news. SwordKirby123 3 years ago #2. That said i'm around 100 hours into the 3DS version (2D! VermilionX 1 year ago #2. No frustration or boring parts. If you got couple yggdarsil leaves on backup champions and some mana restore, its fairly easy fight with manual combat. Around level 58 is a decent level but it can still be pretty rough. Side note: Dirge of Dundrasil sleeps metal slimes? You might need to grind a bit if you plan on going for the platinum, but otherwise you should be able to breeze though it without much issues. The best place to grind in my opinion would be Mount Huji. User Info: SwordKirby123. Huji. This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time-Tyler Durden. If you're worried you're too underleveled, a good place to grind is Mt. You might even get lucky and find Hardy Hand.
User Info: VermilionX. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. It's anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes of setup, and it can fail. I was hoping this game had some challenge. It sounds annoying, but just 5 minutes of guarding in a fight should have all 4 pepped to spawn them and sleep them. Then while you keep one or two alive to keep calling for back up, use that time to build up pep with Erik, Jade, and the Hero to gain double exp. It's very easy and since I took it easy I didn't need to get out of my way to level up, nor needed to craft the best equipment every time (or buy equipment at all). I don't mind combat on the way to new places, but when I have to spend time directly outside a new city, and then spend an hour or two just fighting enemies until I'm out of health and/or MP, then spending a night at an inn and repeating until I'm several levels higher, to me that's just padding a game out. Two of the things that really cuts down on grinding is that levelling up restores all HP and MP, and the prevalence of save points that restore HP and MP especially before bosses. I thought they were immune since Snooze never hits. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. One Hardy Hand will bag you enough XP to level at least one person up, and I jumped about ten levels in under 30 minutes. 23. Best grinding spots for exp/gold? User Info: anyasok.
I'm by no means an expert, but I do see this question asked often enough on here I thought I would make a detailed walkthrough of how to grind using Electro Light. Also on PS4 death is game over so I guess they tried to limit that. (BTW for DQ 8 on 3DS there is a trick to minimize grinding. ... SitemapAdvertisePartnershipsCareersPrivacy PolicyAd ChoiceTerms of UseReport Ad, CA Privacy/Info We CollectCA Do Not Sell My Info. Then there are times they will come with Hardy Hand(s) that you can kill for 34k+ experience each. I remember how much I looked forward to getting them back when I was at that part. User Info: JesseH21. In DQ? Press J to jump to the feed. A community dedicated to the Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior series by Square-Enix. What? Besides, I did you the best grinding spot in the game, I didn't just say use electrolight. I heard it wasn’t so much hand holding, but I was expecting a DQ8 type of challenge. This feature is removed in DQ XI though as slimes no longer appear on the overworld and instead pop up in the middle of combat.). Does that make enemies harder or increase the amount you need to grind? Game Over? I can't confirm but it very much looks like your out of party characters during act 2 do gain levels at the same rate before they rejoin. When it is, go there and attack the hand enemies. where is a good place to grind for experience and money? I tried full manual at level 43 and didnt see that as an obstacle for completing it with shop level gear, i literally died on last second when rab and serena got oneshotted and my own hero paralyzed by mordegons last hit and i didnt prepare items to revive or remove disables before fight to recover from that. Is there a decent grinding spot in the 3rd act? Based on that, my guess is it will be like a 3 to 4 out of 10, assuming DQ 8 is a 5 out of 10 in terms of grind. If you're not playing on Draconian mode, you're at a good point level-wise.
2 years ago. How to Electro Light Grind in DQ11. Continue keeping a couple alive until you can build up pep with Jade, the Hero, and Sylvando to use Electrolight. reads posts whew, okay good. I was at level 58 when I fought Mordegon. I've discovered that Bloody Hands have a high percentage of spawning Hardy Hands. If it works you should fight some metal slime, mainly vicious liquid metal slimes. You could hold off a bit on grinding and keep on with the story. We have been given a hard mode options, but they are options. It was my first encounter with them... My jaw dropped). I hate that you're right. How to Electro Light Grind in DQ11. Where can I level before I try defeat Mordegon? Are you sure you just dont appear in a church with half your gold like always? I've been debating whether or not to get the game new or wait awhile, and I think I'll place my preorder soon.
), clearing some quests before beating the after-credits boss. What do you by Draconian? i don't know about you but i would get everyone first so they all gain experience at the same time, i mean why would you want someone to fall behind in terms of level? What level should I be during the first time I visit Octagonia? Sigh. So people that have played DQ11 already, how bad is it? Kinda annoyed it's being called the easiest Dragon Quest. In Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age, there are certain monsters that give a lot of experience points when they are defeated. Being turn based makes battles a bit easier than the traditional round based combat. They’ve also said that they’ve made some gameplay adjustments to the western version and they’re adding a hard mode so, it might change when it comes out over here. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Sure, their appearance rate is low but if you happen to see them, you are guaranteed to get to… I'd go for at least 60 or enough to get Omniheal. Yes! Unless you use the Draconian Quest options (aka what SE calls this game's "hard mode") , it's pretty easy. Is Hallelujah/Electro Light really worth it? My party is roughly at level 54. If you rotate the camera using R/L, new monsters appear. Edit: Sorry i forgot to actually give you an answer. Played through the entire game in Japanese, The game isn’t grindy at all. spoiler. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The latter half has its’ challenging points and the final few challenged will test you, but I only had to stop and grind a few levels around 50 hours in for said challenges.
If you have not fought them yet, they are just like metal slimes. I love the heart in the DQ series, but I'm getting older, and spending an afternoon just doing random battles so I can progress the story the next night just doesn't have the appeal it used to. I have only played about 2 hours or so (of non-English version). But everything I have heard so far suggests to me that it is one of the "easiest" Dragon Quest games yet, unless you turn on the optional difficulty modes ("Dragonian Quest" options). The best place to grind in my opinion would be Mount Huji. If not, well at least you still earn around 9000 exp at minimum and you get three hard to drop items at random which you can upgrade and sell. CAPTURE, CUSTOMISE AND EVOLVE! By Kirk McKeand, Friday, 11 October 2019 14:27 GMT Share on: Facebook Twitter Reddit. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the dragonquest community. I only hope the Draconian Quest fixes that. What level should I be to fight Mordegon? And if they are all getting peps at different times, remember that benching a party member saves their pep state. Best spot to grind, short of pep tricks, is the luminaries trial King metal slimes are rare spawns, regular enemies give good exp and drops Go to viking hideout and get Eric's pendant. Close. Thanks in advance.
A community dedicated to the Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior series by Square-Enix. Where is a good place to grind in act 2 from level 41+, I am about to get the twins back. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. It may run like the slimes but often at times it calls for back up which usually means another Hardy Hand. anyasok 3 years ago #1.
But hopefully more experienced players can weigh in. spawns 3 level dependent metal slimes at once, it's a 3-way pep power between Sylv and the Hero and Jade. Maybe use Rab too for his pep power with Hero (only Rab needs pepped to put them to sleep after spawning them so they hopefully don't flee. I started replaying it when it came out on 3DS, and if it was my first playthrough, I would have continued and beat it, but having played a few times before, I got to around Trodain Castle playing on a regular basis, and now I only pick it up occasionally. User Info: kamikaze135. For exp, use the hero, Martina, and Silvia's Spectacle Show whenever they are in the zone. Anyway, electrolight is really your best shot of you got it. I'm not much of a grinder. If you're not playing on Draconian mode, you're at a good point level-wise. Dragon Quest XI is finally out, and like any JRPG, there is a little bit of grinding. kamikaze135 1 year ago #1. Find the Bloody Hands, and kill all but one so one can call for back up. Posted by 11 months ago. If you rotate the camera using R/L, new monsters appear. Prepare for an all-new RPG experience in Persona 5 Royal based in the universe of the award-winning series, Persona! I don't seem to find many for either. JesseH21 2 years ago #4. Draconian quest mode make tge entire game more difficult?
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