Is this normal, or am I exploiting a bug of some sort? I wish I had actually needed all those critter stones i have seen since Tuesday. Were these removed in the patch? Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. World Quest Meta Changes: In addition to the changes to world quests, how players acquire Pocket Pet Portal is also changing. I just got a bit worried with Blizz throwing bans around for fun for exploits at the moment. It’s not at all unusual with something as complex as WoW for a little change in code somewhere somehow affects another seemingly totally unrelated part of the system. They also give out a series of quests related to pet battles. Whenever I go to the Trainers around stormwind, they no longer offer me pet battles. Currently, it: Displays the locations of all pets, stables and tamers on the world map. okay getting a couple of stones for specific families isn’t “complete”, but close enough for government (or Blizzard) work . The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! If you’re looking to track your collections, Wowhead now has the Battle Pet Collection Tracker and Mount Collection Tracker! This started just today after the patch. Yeah, the celestial tournament vendor does not give the quest for me. The other is to defeat the Kalimdor trainers, which I already did and don’t feel like traveling around to do again.
New replies are no longer allowed. PetTracker is a tool designed to help all kinds of trainers in their pet tracking and battling duties. Eastern Kingdoms, you can can fight one grand master trainer with a daily quest, but what about the lesser trainers leading up to that - the zone specific ones such as in Zul Drak? I know that when you defeat all trainers in a continent, e.g. The Pet Trainer teaches various ranks of the following abilities: ranks 3-7*, ranks 1-10, ranks 1-10, and five resistances , , , , and , all ranks 1-4.
Pet Battles. Same with Crysa in the Barrens. Were you looking for info on Pet Tamers or info on Hunter trainers? With the complete removal of pet leveling in BfA, you really need to make sure old pet content is working.
No, you’re safe. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, World of Warcraft Arena World Championship. How do I rate a pet? oh noes! Checked menagerie on 2 characters, and nothing there. Crysa for Crysa’s Flyers is not working either. She wouldn’t give me a battle.
Hi, I’ve just come across a Legion Grand Master Pet Tamer called Amalia (Dalaran area) I’ve been allowed to battle her several times in a row and got a nice chunk of XP on some carry pets. PetTracker By jaliborc. Lydia Accoste next to Karazhan is giving a yellow quest (and not her daily) to go to Stormwind, and when I go up there, there’s all the quests that I already did, involving going to all the trainers again. Hunter Class Quests in Classic WoW - Tame Beast and First Hunter Pet, Classic WoW Hunter Leveling Guide & Best Leveling Talents 1-60. Battle Pet Trainers train the initial [Battle Pet Training] skill which enables the Pet Battle System for a character for 100 at level 5. 2 days now, not seeing any change after today’s maintenance and reset. Thank you so much.
No challenge post daily, no Kura (which should be up if others here are seeing Erris?). I was afraid it was “working as intended” as some kind of punishment or misguided change (not that that ever happens!!!) I am sorry this must be an obvious question, but I am just starting to get into pet battles and wonder if can someone explain how pet battle trainers work? All the Draenor trainer dailies working too, except for Ashleigh. Same here. Hunter Trainer Name: Regnus Thundergranite
Hi, I’ve just come across a Legion Grand Master Pet Tamer called Amalia (Dalaran area) I’ve been allowed to battle her several times in a row and got a nice chunk of XP on some carry pets. This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. Same.
DragonsAfterDark: Pet News: 2019-11-08 09:16:44: 8.3 PTR Pet Updates: 8 Nov. 19 : DragonsAfterDark: Pet News: 2019-11-05 06:21:38: World of Warcraft 15th Anniversary : DragonsAfterDark: Pet News
Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed.
Other tamers in Draenor are working. PetTracker by jaliborc. Ashlei, Crysa and Bert in Gnomer are not working for me. I have the achievements completing the tamers in Kalimdor and Northrend and it’s offering those to me again and I can’t do any of the daily tamer quests in Draenor. The easiest way of finding wild battle pets is to turn on "Track Pets" in the tracking menu, travel around until you see a pet icon on the map, and then look for them on the ground. lol, i recently found out about squirt and was looking forward to super squirt day. Tracks your progress of catching pets in your current zone. Varzok [[:File:|Image of Varzok]] Title(s) Battle Pet Trainer Gender Male Race Orc (Humanoid) Level 14 Health 600 Affiliation (Faction) Orgrimmar Location Orgrimmar See Varzok Battle Pet Trainer Level: 14 Orgrimmar Varzok [52.6, 58.8] is the primary Battle Pet Trainer for the Horde. To reiterate: my daily and weekly pet quests that were completed before patch day (menagerie, dungeons, what we’ve been training for) are not resetting. Pet battles can be somewhat overwhelming when you start out - with over 600 pets in game and dozens of tamers to beat, where do you begin?
From reading, I’m assuming ALL the other trainers aren’t giving quests as well.
Glad to know I am not alone in this. They may end up nerfing the XP or something if they think it’s being overused, but enjoy it while it lasts! Battle Pet Trainers train the initial [Battle Pet Training] skill which enables the Pet Battle System for a character for 100 at level 5. Start Project All Addons Chat & Communication Auction & Economy ... Rematch is a pet journal alternative to help manage battle pet teams and pets. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, World of Warcraft Arena World Championship.
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Can we get an update please? As of BFA, there are daily battles that pay pet charms. World of Warcraft. Legion tamers that are required for Family Familiar, except Durian for some reason, can be battled repeatedly when their world quest is up, and give full XP. No quest to do the trainers which i know isn’t a regular thing. Some also dispense related quests to eligible players. Battle Pet Trainers are NPCs that teach players how to use the Pet Battle System.
The ones in Kalimdor give spotty results and not always the same in the last couple of days. Errin and Lio in the Garrison and the Panadaren trainer Nishi, Aki and Flowing Water spirit are working. This is normal, and intended, and the fastest way to level pets at the moment. Additionally, tamable battle pets found in the world, pet battle world quests on the Broken Isles, and pet battle trainers on continents other than Kul'Tiras and Zandalar will NOT be affected. Raise a pet to level 3 which I accepted and turned in immediately. Remember first couple weeks of Legion, when a dozen pets started looking like blue and white cubes. Initiating a pet battle is simple. Garrison menagerie daily started working normally for me this morning. Interestingly enough Erris the Collector did work in my garrison. DragonsAfterDark: Pet News: 2019-11-09 05:33:30: New Blackrock Depths Pet Dungeon! Research: Wowhead WoWDB. New Pet Battle WQs in 8.3! Only the primary trainers Audrey Burnhep
Shows the rarity of pets in battle and warns you of upgrades. Crysa and Garrison Menagerie are not offering quests. To use the tracker, simply import your character to view your collections. There are no Pet Trainers there, which makes sense since Hunters cannot tame pets until level 10. Thought it was maybe a new quest chain sending me back to the Stormwind lady, but got there and was only offered the same quests as before. Specifically, the snake lady in Elwynn Forest, the farmer in Westfall, the rabbit girl in redridge, and the worgen dude in darkshire. Whenever I go to the Trainers around stormwind, they no longer offer me pet battles.
for dedicated pet trainer battlers.
I’m sitting there on my 111 alt wondering why she doesn’t offer the daily when a level 59 dk shows up and starts a pet battle with her…. Just noticed that my Daily Global Check shows completed quests from last week and the day before patch. Download the client and get started. Find your favorite pets by: Searching - search by a pet's name, item, or color(s); Using the index - view an alphabetical index of all pets; Browsing by Family - thumb through the Bestiary to view families and subcategories *Pets must earn at least 100 votes to achieve a Top 10 rank. Hah, so you’re getting Aki. Haven’t check any others yet.
8,876 Addons. At an average payout of 15 charms, run four battles, mail the charms to a single alt and you're done. All you need to do is find a wild battle pet, or another trainer, and start a battle. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Collect 60 charms and you can level a pet from 1 right to 25 by buying a stone from the vendor in the pet store in Dalaran (Broken Isles). They also give out a series of quests related to pet battles. Repeatable Master Pet Trainers. Let us focus on the wild battle pet aspect. Robkir-darksorrow January 9, 2019, 7:50pm #1. But yeah, we’re both not seeing anything from Ashleigh. please oh please fix the garrison battles before the 25th. Pet Trainers are located near all Hunter Trainers, except in the 1-5 starter zones. NPCs with "Battle Pet Trainer" in name or title, The OverAchiever: FAQ on pet battles and early achievements.
Oh good it’s not just me! You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! Ashlei and Lioness still not giving quests, although I saw someone doing Ashlei, but not sure how. So, what are you waiting for? I’m just asking on here as I cant fins an answer anywhere else. Download. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. Specifically, the snake lady in Elwynn Forest, the farmer in Westfall, the rabbit girl in …
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