I was reminded of this by a quote I read on an Internetmonk post. As she founded and visited convents, Teresa often traveled the rugged roads of Spain. “Lord,” she said, “If this is how you treat your friends…it’s no wonder you have so few of them!” It’s this blunt “realness” of her relationship with God that we have so much to learn from. Scripture and Tradition, Law and Precedent, A child’s question during children’s sermon. Teresa was born in the year 1515 and her life spanned the great tumult and upheaval of the historical epoch known as the Reformation: the tenuous unity of a fractious Europe, called Christendom, had been divided by the Protestant movement and suspicion of heresy kept the Church on the defensive. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Why this and not that? The voice of Jesus then came to her from the heavens: "This is how I treat my friends, Teresa." If they are the least bit like Teresa of Avila they are going to come to us with great expectations, insist that we make sacrifices and compel us to accept the demands of the Gospel without hesitation or complaint. If this is how You treat Your friends, then it is no wonder You have so few of them. Although i love and serve him but suffering is always a part of me, i wish he can tell me why. "If this is how God treats his friends, no wonder he has so few of them." Destruction and violence are before me; and the fields produce no food, Why do you make me look at injustice? That is one of my favorite quotes of all time from St. Terese, and one of my favorite passages from the OT. Patience obtains all though there are no sheep in the pen A witty and delightful saint, Teresa was born in Avila, Spain, in 1515. Blessed be the love that never wearies, never gives up hope that even in such poor metal He may at last see the reflection of His face. Teresa persisted. Thank you @BishopBarron & everyone involved at @WordOnFire https://store.wordonfire.org/products/advent-2020, “We’ve made an idol out of secular politics.” Some of the great monasteries and religious houses seemed far too worldly in their concerns. But since Christ has so few friends, she felt they should be good ones. there is strife, and conflict abounds.
Lewis wrote, “He’s not a tame lion.” But I’ve learned to rest in the integrity of His character–of what I DO know about Him–and this has helped me to reach contentment with the unexplained quandary of why He-being good, kind, and loving-allows suffering. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. For the last two decades of her life, she was a bedridden invalid, but continued to live in India, where she remained involved in her lifelong work of helping orphans. Wiping the mud from her face, she replied, "No wonder you have so few! Even commenting at one low point to the Lord that if her experiences were indicative of how Christ treated his friends it was no wonder he had so few! Her horse-drawn cart hit a huge pothole and collapsed, throwing her head-first into the mud. Teresa found the middle place – a tongue-in-cheek prayer. "To be great is to be a servant: lowly, simple, often forgotten. but you do not save? Rather, he simply answers that when the time comes, Babylon also will be punished with destruction because their behavior and their worship of false gods.
by Fr.
And if He does, He is either good and loving, or He isn’t. (Proverbs 3:5, 6). Either everything that happens passes by His approval, or it doesn’t. Ernesto 3 Comments. Complaining to the Lord of her treatment, she heard him reply, “Teresa, whom the Lord loves, he chastises. and justice never prevails. Peace came for me only when I accepted the fact that I will not know the complete answers on this side of heaven. The author of the quote below was going through a very difficult time at the time. The Laughing Man, vol. “Lord,” she said, “If this is how you treat your friends…it’s no wonder you have so few of them!” It’s this blunt “realness” of her relationship with God that we have so much to learn from. But, the reality is that during the fulfillment of those long-term plans, an entire generation of Israelites went through some significant suffering, exile, and dispersion. La Santa Teresa de Ávila wrote it this way: Let nothing disturb you
And Good Marriages? Yet it is her gift of spiritual direction, practiced personally with nuns and publicly in her writings, for which she is known today. Be satisfied with doing your work on behalf of God’s kingdom, whatever it is." Complaining to the Lord of her treatment, she heard him reply, “Teresa, whom the Lord loves, he chastises. 4, no.2, p.52. Words fall short. Even commenting at one low point to the Lord that if her experiences were indicative of how Christ treated his friends it was no wonder he had so few! though the olive crop fails . “Awaking Wonder”: Sally Clarkson and Joy Clarkson on the Domestic Church, Bl. Teresa’s piety wasn’t a false one. The author of the quote below was going through a very difficult time at the time. Manna: In Praise of Demanding Teachers, Accepting the Most Royal of Invitations: To Suffer, Stealth Evangelization Through Music and Beauty, 5 Ways Saint John Henry Newman Can Help You Through This Year, In a World of Miracles, We Can’t Look Away from Ourselves, On Education: 3 Counsels from My Little Plato. Saint Teresa complained to Jesus at being treated in this manner in the midst of trying to serve Him. There has to be a LESSON. Perhaps it’s like trying to explain color to someone who can see only black and white. For me, at least, it was not hard to know why the Heavenly Refiner had to sit so long. Saint Teresa complained to Jesus at being treated in this manner in the midst of trying to serve Him. I was reminded of this by a quote I read on an Internetmonk post. God never changes
I did not realize that it is now considered a pseudo-saying. A Place Where People Can Be Alone With God. Let nothing frighten you
God does not defend himself. One time her saddle slipped, and she found herself head down under the belly of a donkey as she crossed a stream. Through the extremity of their asceticism, the Carmelites would become living images of Christ who emptied himself of Divine Glory and accepted a human nature with all its limitations and sufferings.
Spain was rising as a world power and its monarchy would not permit religious rancor and debate to curtail their ambitions for a global empire. This is how I treat all my friends.” She replied tartly, “No wonder you have so few!” St. Teresa always sought to know Christ through prayer and obedience, love and humility, penance and joyfulness. That’s good to know.
4, no.2, p.52, It is said that once Saint Teresa of Avila was riding through the back roads of Spain during a torrential rainstorm. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. There had to be a REASON for all of this. Maybe only in eternity can we comprehend the full answers to the questions of suffering. We simply haven’t been given all the information in this life to be able to understand. and there are no grapes on the vines, Undaunted in the face of opposition, she drew her energy from the hours she spent in prayer. I’m really confused by god, i sometimes he does not care for me. The voice of Jesus then came to her from the heavens: "This is how I treat my friends, Teresa." I get to ask WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO LEARN? Part 3, Do Good Christians Make Good Husbands . Teresa found the middle place – a tongue-in-cheek prayer. I’m not so sure that God has a “personal lesson” in mind for every tragedy that strikes human beings, except perhaps that we aren’t God and that is the first step to knowing there is God. Like yesterday’s post, Habakkuk wants the knowledge of good and evil. La Santa Teresa de Ávila was reputed to have said: If this is how You treat Your friends, then it is no wonder You have so few of them. Teresa discerned that the Carmelite ideal of austerity and simplicity was being subverted by many men and women in her community. Basically he asks God how a righteous God can use a people who worship false gods and who engage in some sick war practices (they used to impale their prisoners and put hooks through their jaws, etc.). Teresa replied, "No wonder you have so few friends."
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