Make sure your spouse is on active duty and in the correct pay grades. Use the tool below to see which schools and programs could be right for you. Spouses must work with their chosen training organization to develop an Education Training Plan, or ETP, to submit to MyCAA for approval. The first step to accessing your MyCAA scholarship is to confirm that you are eligible. But a course being taken for a master’s degree or doctorate may be covered if the course earns a credential necessary for employment. Once you are logged in, your application process can begin, and you can get started with MyCAA. Once graduated from the program, this service helps spouses find employment with military-friendly employers. Besides the MyCAA program, there are many other resources available to spouses to assist them in their post-secondary education endeavor.
A National Guard or AGR member must be on federal Title 10 active duty orders as reported in DEERS for their spouse to be eligible for the funding. Your email address will not be published. Two of the great things about the MyCAA program is the number of schools to choose from that accept the scholarship and the class venues available.
It might feel like by the time they are settled and the spouse has found a job that works for them, it is time to move again. What many people don’t know about is the opportunity for military spouses to receive a scholarship to help pay for their education and training through a program called MyCAA. But a course being taken for a master’s degree or doctorate may be covered if the course earns a credential necessary for employment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What Is a Medical Assistant [Skills, Objectives, and Description], Courses you have already started or completed, Computers or any kind of electronic device. His last assignment was the 34th Infantry (Red Bull) Division Command Sergeant Major/E-9.
This site contains information about GI Bill benefits, VA loans, news and services for military veterans and is not connected with any government agency. As a reminder, MyCAA does not reimburse or cover courses that are not approved. It might feel like by the time they are settled and the spouse has found a job that works for them, it is time to move again. Applying to participate in the MyCAA program is not hard, but it is a step-by-step process where Step one must be done before Step two, etc. Your spouse can transfer Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits to you, and you can use them with MyCAA funding. 2020 Career Step LLC. Our programs are high-quality, self-paced, lead toward industry certification or a certificate of completion and ideal for today’s jobs that are in greatest demand. Our programs are high-quality, self-paced, lead toward industry certification or a certificate of completion and ideal for today’s jobs that are in greatest demand. Coaching and Counseling It will also not cover: MyCCA will not cover general studies, liberal arts, or some interdisciplinary associate degrees. Part of setting up an account requires creating a DS Logon.
Financial aid through the MyCAA program is available to military spouses who have successfully completed high school. Below is a search tool spouses can use to find a school that is right for them. If your spouse is not on active duty, not under Title 10 military orders, or is not in the correct pay grade, you will not be able to access a MyCAA scholarship. If you fail a second course, your account will be permanently locked, and no further MyCAA funding will be available to you. Create an education and training plan (E&TP). If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. MyCAA is a workforce development program sponsored by the Department of Defense (DoD) aimed at providing Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and select National Guard and Reserve spouses with an opportunity to get some post-secondary education so they can provide another stream of revenue and thus a better standard of living for their family. View Programs Education Consulting Associates is a curriculum provider and works in partnership with universities in providing quality career training programs to military spouses. U.S. government agencies have not reviewed this information. Many people know about the wide variety of scholarships and funding options for active duty personnel, disabled veterans, and veterans.
It will also not cover: MyCCA will not cover general studies, liberal arts, or some interdisciplinary associate degrees. Financial aid through the MyCAA program is available to military spouses who have successfully completed high school. In order for an ETP to be approved by MyCAA, it must support the candidate’s career goal as stated in their MyCAA account. The program is aimed at spouses of lower-graded Enlisted, Warrant and Commissioned Officers on Title 10 orders who typically make less money at this stage of their career, but still have monetary requirements that would otherwise go unfunded without the second income. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. All our programs are completely covered by MyCAA, so if you qualify you can train with no out-of-pocket expenses. To be eligible to use the MyCAA scholarship program, you must be a spouse of an eligible member of the military, and you must have successfully completed high school. Schools are not generally involved in the process for a grade waiver. In other words, a spouse could still work a job while training for a career using the MyCAA program. is an advertising-supported site. MyCCA will pay for an approved program’s tuition and examination fees. Qualified spouses can search for in-demand skilled trades in their area or nationwide and find approved schools for their chosen field. Pre-nursing programs are also not paid for, but some full nursing programs do qualify to be part of MyCAA. Internship, practicum, apprenticeship or clinical supervision, Repeated courses, unless the MyCAA program has received a full refund for the course taken the first time, Credit by examination, such as CLEP tests, Non-listed program of study courses, such as general studies, liberal arts and non-concentrated interdisciplinary associate degrees, Personal enrichment courses outside of an approved Spouse Education and Training Plan. Wedding Military Discounts – Dresses, Rings, Venues & More, Under Armour Military & Veterans Discount, 10 Veterans Benefits You May Not Know About, Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS), Security Clearance Jobs After the Military, Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA), Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) for the GI Bill, Veterans ID on Driver’s License or ID Card by State, Find GI Bill®-Approved Colleges For Military and Veterans, 10 Tips for Military Spouses Going Back to School, Military Spouse Job Assistance & Education Resources, Skilled trades (e.g. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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