Managers at Kishorn Port (KPL) have hailed its third significant contract of the year, after the arrival of the Banff floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) for temporary mooring there. This work has included isolating, cleaning, flushing and disconnecting the FPSO from the subsea infrastructure as well as a comprehensive cleaning campaign of the FPSO in preparation for departure from field. Teekay is an early member of the Ship Recycling Transparency Initiative (SRTI), and our policies go beyond the Hong Kong convention to set a new norm for responsible ship recycling in our industry. Over the past three months, Teekay has carried out an extensive offshore decommissioning programme on the vessel and its associated systems. The Banff FPSO is a floating production, storage and offloading vessel built in 1997. The trio of contract wins follows significant investment over the past five years to recommission the dry dock, which is the largest of its kind in the UK and to upgrade other facilities at the port. We are delighted to welcome Teekay’s Banff FPSO safely into Kishorn Port for temporary mooring.Colin Ortlepp, Director…. The vessel is currently producing under contract to CNR International in the Banff and Kyle Fields. On August 31, 2020 the Banff FPSO unit commenced its tow towards the Port of Kishorn and safely arrived on September 4, 2020. The 390ft-long FPSO, owned by Teekay, is due to remain at the north-west Highland facility until the Bermuda-based shipping company selects a suitable location for it to be dismantled.
Photo: Petrojarl Banff FPSO; Source: Teekay.
The document contained the decommissioning programs for the removal of the Petrojarl Banff FPSO and the Apollo Spirit FSO and the associated risers and mooring systems from the Banff and Kyle fields. Tenaris: Company’s adaptability key as it looks to future. Petrojarl Banff employs a unique wedge shape design. The Banff field is located in blocks 29/2a and 22/27a in the UK Sector of the Central North Sea some 200km due east of Aberdeen in approximately 95m water depth. Now that the FPSO has left the field, the decommissioning program will focus on decommissioning the subsea assets.
Decommissioned Banff FPSO Safely Arrives At Kishorn Port, LNG Megrez - Final Yamal LNG carrier for MOL and Cosco named, UK military seize control after stowaways threaten crew of crude oil tanker Nave Andromeda, BW Offshore to liquidate owner of New Zealand FPSO to prevent further losses, Japanese vehicles carrier arrested in Melbourne over crew change, PETRONAS awards MultiClient programs in Sarawak Basin to seismic consortium, Wärtsilä cargo handling system design selected for new Very Large Ethane Carrier vessels. UK authorities approved CNRI’s decommissioning plan in late May 2020.
“This is the port’s third significant project in 2020, following on from the downsizing and recycling of the casualty vessel the MV Kaami and the ongoing preservation of the Voyageur Spirit FPSO.”. "We are currently working to select a recycling yard that complies with all UK/EU regulations as well as our own vessel recycling policies to minimize health, safety, and environmental risks throughout the recycling process.". CNRI filed its Banff and Kyle fields decommissioning programs for an FPSO and FSO float-off with the UK authorities in March 2020. It has an overall length of 120 metres and a width of 42 metres. The remaining subsea remediation work is expected to be carried out in the summer of 2021.". The FPSO prepares for green recycling after 21 years of service. The Banff field is located in blocks 29/2a and 22/27a in the UK Sector of the Central North Sea some 200km due east of Aberdeen in approximately 95m water depth. Over the past three months, Teekay has been carrying out an offshore decommissioning program of the Banff FPSO and associated systems as approved by the UK Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment & Decommissioning.
The Banff FPSO will remain moored at Kishorn Port until a suitable location is selected by Teekay for the appropriate recycling of the unit.
Kishorn Port announced the arrival of the FPSO in a social media post on Monday. Oil rigs run on AI ‘twins’ points to future hastened by Covid, Rising numbers of North Sea oilfield service firms in ‘crisis mode’, North Sea big hitters rally behind new deal for offshore contractors, Drillers must scrap one quarter of floaters, Rystad says, EIC adds new directors and sees growing and more diverse membership, Japan pledges net zero emissions by 2050 without clear roadmap, Dana reaches Egyptian sale, warns of impairment. The Banff FPSO will remain temporarily moored at Kishorn Port until an appropriate location is selected for the safe recycling of the unit. Built in 1997, the FPSO was based at CNR’s Banff and Kyle fields in the central North Sea, around 118 miles off Peterhead, during its working life. This is the port’s third significant project in 2020 following on from the downsizing and recycling of the casualty vessel, the MV Kaami, and the ongoing preservation of the Voyageur Spirit FPSO.”. It has an overall length of 120 metres and a width of 42 metres. Decommissioned Banff FPSO Safely Arrives At Kishorn Port The FPSO prepares for green recycling after 21 years of service. The cargo ship Kaami was taken to Kishorn for decommissioning after running aground in the Minch in May. It has an overall length of 120 metres and a width of 42 metres. UK’s Kishorn Port has welcomed the Petrojarl Banff FPSO for temporary mooring while its owner is looking for a suitable location for recycling. Ferguson’s Operations Director, Jack Ferguson, commented: “We very much look forward to providing KPL, Teekay and its partner Altera infrastructure with marine, logistics and support services whilst she remains with us in the port”. During its stay in Loch Kishorn, port services and support will be provided for it by KPL partners Ferguson Transport and Shipping. It is located predominantly in the Conoco-operated block 29 / 2a, extending into the neighbouring block 22 / 27a operated by Ranger. Jack Ferguson, operations director of the firm, based in Corpach, Lochaber, said: “We very much look forward to providing Teekay and its partner Altera Infrastructure with marine logistics and support services while she remains with us in the port.”. The work included cleaning, flushing and disconnecting it from subsea infrastructure in preparation for its departure from the field. KPL director Colin Ortlepp said: “We’re pleased Teekay has chosen Kishorn to moor the Banff FPSO. The video shows a first-of-its kind project between the Aberdeen headquartered metal waste recycling... CNRI files decommissioning plans for two floating units off UK, DOF Subsea to support offshore decom project, Energean Power FPSO gets living quarters and pipe rack, Regulatory Affairs Advisor – UK Offshore Wind, Petrojarl Banff FPSO reaches UK port ahead of recycling, UK approves plan for removal of floaters from North Sea fields, BW Offshore to liquidate owner of New Zealand FPSO to prevent further losses.
During the anchorage period, port services and support will be provided by KPL partners Ferguson Transport and Shipping. Built in 1997, the FPSO was based at CNR’s Banff and Kyle fields in the central North Sea, around 118 miles off Peterhead, during its working life. A month ago KPL announced it had secured its first oil and gas contract of 2020 after its dry dock was chosen for Semco Maritime to carry out work on Altera Infrastructure’s FPSO Voyageur Spirit. All Rights Reserved. During its final operational phase, the vessel was located within CNR International’s Banff and Kyle fields situated within Central North Sea approximately 190km off Peterhead. Over the past three months, Teekay has been carrying out an offshore decommissioning program of the Banff FPSO and associated systems as approved by the UK Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment & Decommissioning. Colin Ortlepp, Director of Kishorn Port, commented: “We’re pleased Teekay has chosen Kishorn to moor the Banff FPSO.
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