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ou poster en tant qu'invité. Click and hear the audio pronunciation multiple times and learn how to pronounce the name Andrena. Watch how to say and pronounce "degraffenried"! Journal en ou The noun GENUS ANDRENA has 1 sense: 1. a solitary burrowing short-tongued bee. Dictionary entry overview: What does genus Andrena mean? an-dre-na, and-r-ena ] The baby girl name Andrena is pronounced AENDREHNAH †. Abonnez-vous pour apprendre et prononcer un nouveau mot chaque jour! Prononciation de Andranae à 1 prononciation audio, et de plus pour Andranae.
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Andrena is not regularly used as a baby name for girls. Meaning of andrena. Information about genus Andrena in the AudioEnglish.org dictionary, synonyms and antonyms.
NOUN (1) 1. a bee that is a member of the genus Andrena; [syn: andrena, andrenid, mining bee] The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48: andrena \andrena\ n. 1. Andrena is not regularly used as a baby name for girls. S'inscrire How do you say Alocandrena? Le mot du jour - dans votre boîte de réception tous les jours, © 2020 HowToPronounce. Copyright © 2009-2020 Baby Names Pedia. It is not ranked within the top 1000 names. Toutes nos félicitations! to get this name's meaning and other information. Andrena is a variant form of Andrea. Vous pouvez essayer de nouveau. Listen our video to compare your pronunciation!
Double-click any word on the page to look it up in the dictionary. Listen to the audio pronunciation of Alocandrena on pronouncekiwi Dictionnaire de prononciation audio pour 89 langues avec des significations, des synonymes, des phrases, des traductions et bien plus encore. Vous avez atteint la limite maximum. Hypernyms ("genus Andrena" is a kind of...): andrena; andrenid; mining bee (a bee that is a member of the genus Andrena). Get unrestricted access to all the English-Learning Units! The video is produced by yeta.io. Tu as gagné {{app.voicePoint}} points. Vous avez la prononciation correcte de Andranae.
What does andrena mean? All rights reserved. Familiarity information: GENUS ANDRENA used as a noun is very rare. Andrena is a variant form of Andrea. Félicitations! Entries with "andren" anderen: anderen (Dutch) Pronunciation Pronunciation example: Audio Noun anderen Plural of ander; others Anagrams naderen anderen (German) Alternative forms andern andren…. Baby names that sound like Andrena include Andreanna, Andromaque (French), Andrómaca, Andranetta, Andreena (English), Andrewena, Andrewina (English), Andriana (English), Andrianna (Greek), Andromache (English and Greek), Andronika (Greek), Andronike (Greek), and Andreína (Spanish). "Search Ends When Sharing Starts" If you already know the meaning of Zandrena in English or in any other language, Please contribute that will helpful for other users, also you can edit any data like gender, pronunciation and origin to improve accuracy. Search Result for "andrena": Wordnet 3.0. What does genus Andrena mean? ou prononcer dans les différents accents ? Continuez. AudioEnglish Definitions... Just One Click Away! Comment dire Andranae Anglais?
Andrena has its origins in the Old Greek language. • GENUS ANDRENA (noun) See also the related category greek. Vous avez déverrouillé un trophée, {{app.userTrophy[app.userTrophyNo].hints}}. In 2018, out of the group of girl names directly linked to Andrena… Tous Droits Réservés, {{app['fromLang']['value']}} -> {{app['toLang']['value']}}, Prononciation de Andranae avec 1 prononciations audio, Prononciation Audio retiré de la collection, Cliquez sur le bouton d'enregistrement pour prononcer, Malheureusement, ce navigateur ne prend pas en charge l'enregistrement de la voix, Malheureusement, cet appareil ne prend pas en charge l'enregistrement de la voix, Cliquez à nouveau sur le bouton d'enregistrement pour terminer l'enregistrement. So keep visiting again . Between 1880 and 2019 there were 630 births of Andrena in the countries below, which represents an average of 5 births of children bearing the first name Andrena per year on average throughout this period. Meaning of genus Andrena. Click here to add the AudioEnglish.org dictionary. Veuillez Vous pouvez contribuer cette prononciation audio de Andranae au dictionnaire HowToPronounce. [ syll. andern: see also ändern andern (German) Pronunciation Pronunciation example: Audio Pronoun andern Alternative form of anderen andern (Old Frisian) Alternative forms andren Noun window
In 2018, out of the group of girl names directly linked to Andrena, Andrea was the most widely used. Definition of andrena. Oups! Proper usage and audio pronunciation of the word genus Andrena. andrena synonyms, pronunciation, spelling and more from Free Dictionary. Semble que la prononciation de Andranae n'est pas correct. It is not ranked within the top 1000 names.
Adrenochrome does have one medical use, as a form of it can be employed to staunch vascular bleeding.It’s not even hard to get, as it’s not illegal, and you can buy it in 25 or 250 mg doses to use in research.. Essayez de choisir un autre nom, Désolé! † approx English pronunciation for Andrena: AE as in "at (AE.T)" ; N as in "knee (N.IY)" ; D as in "day (D.EY)" ; R as in "race (R.EY.S)" ; EH as in "ebb (EH.B)" ; AH as in "mud (M.AH.D)". {{collections.count?collections.count:0}}, Nom existe déjà! Andrena has its origins in the Old Greek language. Holonyms ("genus Andrena" is a member of...): Andrenidae; family Andrenidae (a large family of solitary short-tongued bees most of which burrow in the ground). Definition of genus Andrena in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary.
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